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Language Arts

Language Arts will focus on writing and research skills during the first quarter. Students have handed in their summer read projects and are moving onto skill expectations and practice.  Students should have an independant read going at all times.  They should read EVERYDAY for at least 20 min (reading other homework counts).  There will be a minimal amount of homework assigned IF students are on task in class.  Late work is not accepted without a parent note. ​




Social Studies


​This year Nova social studies will be exploring the world and their place in it.  Students will study native cultures, wars (six with battles on Vermont's soil), the structure of our government, the historical geography of the United States, the basics of economics, and the history of Vermont.  Students will have the opportunity to role play, debate, and present their interpretations of these events. By making good use of historical knowledge, students will learn how to analyze the present and plan for the future.

Our current unit of study is Geography of Self.





​Our science focus alternates from physical to life science from one year to the next.  During a physical science year, we study basic chemistry and introductory physics.  Homework assignments are light but participation in class and in lab activities is crucial to success.  During a life science year, we begin by looking at  the basis of all living things: cells.  From there, we expand our understanding of the living world through studies of organisms and ecosystems.  In any given year, plan to participate fully in class whether it be outside during a life science year or inside in labs during a physical science year.  Together, the two years will provide a solid understanding of the world around us.



Numbers are numbers, and the beauty of math is that it is constant.  There are myriad ways to learn about these numbers, however, and our approach is through real-world problems.  We learn the skills, apply them in situations you will see in the real world, and practice.  The key to learning math skills is practice.  Our classes are clearly structured, and with practice, you will become a better mathematician and see the possibilities that numbers have to offer in this world.



Check out Mrs. Kendrew's math website for more.


Nova is made up of four core classes:  language arts, social studies, science and mathematics. Our aim is to integrate topics of study to help students make connections between academic subjects.  Below, you will find a brief overview of the four core classes with links to class blogs/websites. 
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